Golf for You

Monday, August 17, 2009

Quick Tips to Complete the Proper Golf Stance Setup

Your stance is vitally important to fix and get correct to improve your golf game so I have given you some quick tips to complete the proper golf stance setup. The golf stance you use really affects the flight of your golf ball which will considerably influence where your golf ball will end up.

When you consistently adopt an incorrect stance so are not properly facing your target it will not matter what other aspect you fix, the ball will never go in the intended direction. So practicing your stance, firstly at home in front of a mirror and then on the driving range, is a must to perfect the proper golf stance setup. Don't worry with enough practice at home and at the driving range your golf stance will become completely natural.

When your stance and body position is quite poor to the target this can ensure a slice will occur and during your downswing your club will go outside the ball-to-target line which will likely get you into trouble and it will be extremely hard to stop the slice from happening.

Here is how to fix your golf stance.

Before even trying to hit the ball you should ensure that you're set-up correctly. During your pre-shot routine go behind the ball and select your target which can be a set area on the fairway where you are looking to hit the ball, or a section of the driving range. Make sure you setup your club towards your chosen target line first, then ensuring your body (hips, feet and shoulders) are parallel to the target line.

To quickly check that your hips, feet and shoulders are parallel to your target line use one of your golf clubs as an aid, this can be put on the ground and pressed against the back of your feet. You can then check the club to see if it is in line with the target. If the club is not on target re-address your stance until it is.

Your golf stance should be about as wide as your shoulders, with your right foot pointing straight and your left foot slightly to the left. Make sure both of your elbows hang down very relaxed. Get this right and you are on your way to hitting the ball straight.

Ensuring you have the correct golf stance is attainable providing you follow the proven tips in this article. Ensuring you have the proper golf stance setup is not a dream or only for the professional golfers. Use these tips and soon you will be hitting the golf ball straighter and longer.

James Powell has put together a complimentary report on the golf slice which will help you cure the golf slice quickly. To download it instantly visit

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Advice on Common Golf Shot Problems

This article looks at some of the common problems that cause the golf ball to deviate from its intended target and how you can go about fixing the problem.

Let's start with the Push shot. A shot falls into the push category when the shot veers to the right of the intended target. The problem is immediate as the ball does not just fade to the right after you hit it but is immediately traveling to the right on contact. If, when playing your shot, your body does not rotate far enough left during the downswing you will probably "push" the ball. It can also happen if your arms swing to the right. You must really focus on keeping your body rotation going all the way through the downswing and this will help fix the problem.

The Pull shot is the opposite of the push in that the ball veers off the left immediately after contact. This is caused by an inaccurate downswing that pulls across your body. Your shoulders are opening too quickly during the downswing; you must keep the shoulders parallel to the target line as you make contact with the ball. One reason the pull can occur is if your grip is not firm enough, so try a harder grip on the club. Another reason is poor alignment; make sure you keep your weight on the left side as you perform the downswing.

Another common problem is that of not getting enough distance out of your shots. One of the main factors in delivering club head speed and the power comes from your shoulder rotation. You want to uncoil like a spring on the downswing, this is where the power comes from so make sure you rotate you shoulder fully during the backswing. You should aim to have your left shoulder over your right foot at the apex of the backswing. Flexibility is also very important and if your hands are gripping the club too tightly, it wall cause tension across your upper body in general and you will lose valuable club head speed. Try to relax your grip and you will see definite increased yardage.

If you are suffering from poor direction and the ball is flying in random directions on every shot you should look carefully at two things, alignment of your body and the position of the ball. Your shoulders, feet and knees must be aligned in a parallel line with your target. You should be fastidious in checking this alignment before every shot. Once you have your alignment sorted you can look at the position of the ball relative to your stance. If your stance is too close to the ball you will hit a lot of pull shots. If your stance is too far away you will hit a lot of push shots.

These are just some of the problems that can affect the direction of the golf ball during a shot. Hopefully this has given you some tips to rectify the problems. We will be looking at some more common directional problems in later articles.

Patrick Attlee is an online journalist and keen amateur golfer. One of his other interests is antique door hardware and storm door hardware and he is currently upgrading the doors in his house in the style of a Victorian gentleman's residence.

How Overcoming Golf Swing Inertia Will Improve Your Game

Overcoming golf swing inertia is an important part of improving your swing. But first you must know the two basic laws of inertia before you can make an improvement.

The 2 Basic Laws are:

1. An object at rest will stay at rest until a force is imparted to set it in motion.
2. An object in motion will continue in motion in the same direction at basically the same speed until a force is imparted to change it.

The relation to the swing and inertia is as follows:

During a golfer's set up the club is at rest. Then the golfer imparts some force to his swing to set it in motion. The golf club will continue to swing back until another force is imparted to stop it and then start it in motion again in the other direction.

Your body wants to maintain a natural state of equilibrium or balance as directed by our inner ear. To start overcoming golf swing inertia our body senses this on our back swing and will naturally redistribute our weight to overcome this by stopping and redirecting the club in the reverse direction on the down swing.

To begin overcoming golf swing inertia you simply utilize this natural tendency and not fight it. This will help you in overcome this in your golf swing and even use it to your advantage.

Important Keys & Drill

A) good balanced set up
B) proper grip
C) transfer of weight from back swing to down swing
D) proper release of club to a balanced finish

The next time your at the range practicing your game one of the best drills you can work on to start overcoming golf swing inertia in your swing is to try the step drill.

The step drill is performed basically by putting your feet together with the ball placed in the middle of your stance. Take the backswing and as you start the downswing take one step forward right before you make contact with the ball.

By performing this drill you will be well on your way to overcoming golf swing inertia in your swing and start seeing great results with your game.

To get more free tips and drills on how to start overcoming golf swing inertia and improving your golf swing to start hitting longer, straighter, more accurate golf shots, click here.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Secret to Gripping the Golf Club to Improve Your Swing!

You are eagerly flipping the calendar pages until the days when the weather is balmy, and the Country Clubs are open. Well, before you get too excited, we should take a moment to review a couple of things.

First of all, your clubs. Are they the right height? Clubs should come up to your waist. If they are too tall or too short, not only will your game suffer, but you will also not be as comfortable, and your game won't be much fun.

Once you have ascertained that your clubs are the right height, you should now work on your grip. A golf glove may help here by increasing the grip you already have. Not only that, a glove will give you a little bit more comfort as well.

Your grip is your most important tool. No matter what kind of shot you need to make, your grip is going to determine success or failure. A proper grip is very simple. Place your left hand around the club about half an inch down the shaft. Your thumb should run down the club, parallel to the club face. Next take your right hand and wrap it around the club as close to your left hand as you can. Your left thumb should be underneath your middle, ring and pinky fingers.

Once you have your hands in place, remember to let your left thumb guide the club. Do not move your wrists. The tighter your wrists, the better your shot.

Keep your head down, and see you at the 19th hole.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Golf Swing Flexibility - 7 Things You Must Do to Guarantee Swing Flexibility

You should always arrive at the golf course at least 45 minutes to an hour before your tee time. It's insane to come rushing up to the first tee box on a dead run because you are late and your foursome is "up" on the first tee. Good luck trying to hit a decent tee shot after that crazy man's display.

You need to arrive early so you can do a reasonable amount of warm up and flexibility drills to get the most out of all phases of your game. All other sports have a ramp up period of varying length to assure the athletes peak performance and to avoid injury if at all possible. Golf does too. You rarely see it because golf's warm up routines are not anywhere near as --TV sexy-- as Tiger or Phil sticking an eight iron within a foot of the pin from 165 yards away.

Here's what to focus on...

Focus Area # 1: The area between your shoulder blades. You guide the golf club with this important group of muscles so loosen them up thoroughly.

Focus Area # 2: Think hips and waist on this one. How you turn on both the back swing and through the striking of the ball is critical. If they are frozen up like a blown engine you won't be driving very far.

Focus Area # 3: Your hamstrings take a big beating in multiple ways during a round of golf. Make sure you have them as limber and supple as a ballerina.

Focus Area # 4: The groin area should command your special attention. You will be on the sidelines for many weeks of missed golf if you strain this sensitive area. Golfers use many specially designed and effective stretches to avoid injury.

Focus Area # 5: Doing modified deep knee bends will address the upper thigh muscles which are so important in balance and follow through. If you are not able, do not squat all the way down and risk injury.

Focus Area # 6: It sounds crazy but I spend time rotating and loosening up my wrists and fingers. It seems perfectly logical to me that my grip and the position of my wrists at impact make a difference for good or bad results.

Focus Area # 7: Seeing to it that your arms and shoulders have the stiffness worked out is another must. Like a baseball player swinging a weighted bat, you should swing two or three irons at a time to get that near weightless feel when you pick up the club you choose for your shot.

Discover the secrets of slashing your handicap. Find out how to hit the ball 50 yards farther and perfectly on line. This simple, scientific method designed for the average golfer will amaze you. Click Here Now to get immediate access.

Allen Royal has been chasing that elusive, perfectly repeatable golf swing ever since taking up golf 35 years ago. Sharing his accumulated knowledge and experience with his fellow non-professional players is his passion and joy. To discover how quick and easy the perfect golf swing can be, use the "insider secrets" Allen discovered. Click Here Now

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Learn Proper Putting Technique - Putting's Biggest Myth That Costs You Strokes - EXPOSED!

So you want to learn proper putting technique huh? Great. I bet right now you have some days where you can't seem to even hit the hole, yet other days you barely miss anything. I'm also willing to bet that you have many more bad days than you have good days. Why? Well you see those days that you putt well are the days where you are actually trusting your natural stroke. You're not forcing anything and you're not thinking about every little movement. You're just letting your stroke take over.

The Proper Putting Technique Myth - EXPOSED

This is the key to putting, but first you must learn proper putting technique. Here is where nearly EVERYONE falters when trying to learn proper putting technique. They try to take the putter straight back, and straight through. Sounds good right? Well it's absolutely NOT. You see if you take the putter straight back and straight through, you are telling your brain to keep the putter face square right? Well because of your orientation to the ball (off to its side) it is 100% impossible to keep the putter face square without manipulating the face of the putter with your hands, which is the reason most players struggle with putting.

What do I mean by this? Well like I explained earlier, you are standing to the side of the ball when putting right? As in your hands have no way of being directly over the ball (its illegal). Because of this your natural putting arc has to curve slightly as the hands move back and through. The only way your putterface can remain square to the target line when you take your putter back is if you go outside the natural line of your stroke, and close the putter face. It might appear like your putter is square, but it is not.

This causes you to have to open it back up, and come back inside to the ball on the way back to it. What does that mean? It means unless you do this with absolute perfection you are going to miss with a dead pull caused by the putter face being closed and the putter coming in, or a weak dribbler out to the right caused by a slicing action of an open putter face.

Actual Proper Putting Technique - The CW Golf Instruction Way

Now, if you were to follow your natural putting arc, an inside to inside motion for EVERYONE, you would not have to manipulate the clubface at all to keep it square to the ball. Just like your goal with your swing is to keep the clubface square to the swing plane, your goal with your putting stroke is to keep your putterface square to the putting arc, something I like to call the Perpendicular Putting Principle.

Think what would happen if you tried to keep your clubface square to the ball in your swing. Your club turns upside down! You couldn't do it! There is no difference with putting.

I've taught thousands of students proper putting technique using this principle with my short game course. Nearly every person who takes the course ends up emailing me saying they've seen an easier to understand breakdown of putting.

Oh by the way, you'll learn the rest of the short game as well. To learn proper putting technique <--- visit this link. There mini-course and a drills printout available just for visiting.

Your putter will thank you!

Power Golf - Add 30 Yards to Your Drives by Maximizing Your Leverage

rchimedes once said "Give me a lever and a place to stand and I can move the world."

Power Comes From Leverage

You don't need to be muscle-bound to hit longer drives. But you do need to take advantage of all the power you have available to you. You maximize the power in your golf swing through leverage.

Distance Comes from Speed

Hitting your drives farther is not so much about power as it is about speed. You want to have your clubhead traveling as fast as possible through impact.

Leverage Provides the Power to Generate Speed

The power in your golf swing should be used to rotate your core through impact to the target in an efficient pivot. Faster core rotation will generate the clubhead speed you want.

The common mistake most golfers make when trying to drive the golf ball farther is to throw the clubhead at the ball with their hands and arms. The challenge is that the hands and arms are not nearly as strong as the big muscles in the core - from the hips to the shoulders. The strength in your hands and arms is used to control the club face, not to generate clubhead speed.

The Key is Good Foot Work

Jack Nicklaus believes that a good golf swing begins with good foot work. Creating more leverage in your swing - and consequently effortless power - starts with your feet.

Your Leverage Point is the Ball of Your Right Foot.

At the top of the swing you should be loading power and energy on the inside part of the right foot, right on the ball of the foot. The inside part of the ball of the right foot is your action position. If you don't have your weight set on the inside part of the ball of your foot at the top of your swing, you are robbing yourself of power and distance.

Leverage Examples

Picture a basketball player on defense. In order to stay in front of the dribbler the defensive player has to shuffle their feet from side to side as the ball moves. They push from the inside part of their feet - the ball of the foot - to move sideways.

That same pushing motion, when combined with a pivot, is what adds power to the golf swing.

Another example would be a baseball pitcher. On the mound there is a rubber slab that pitchers use for leverage to push off of and pivot towards the plate when they throw. It is not arm strength that creates ball speed. In fact, their arm needs to be relaxed in order to maintain accuracy and to make the small positional adjustments that mean the difference between fastballs and curve balls. It is leg and torso strength maximized through the leverage position on the inside part of the right foot that creates speed.

The same concept applies to distance and your golf swing.

The next time you are on the range working on adding distance to your drives, pay attention to your leverage position at the top of your backswing. If it is not on the inside part of your right foot, you are losing power.

Pigeon Toe Drill to Help Feel Leverage

To help get the feel of good leverage, try the "pigeon toe" drill.

Take your normal driver stance. Before swinging, turn your right heel out so that your right foot is "pigeon toed." Square up your hips and keep a little flex in your right knee. Make a ¾ swing and pay attention to the tension that builds in the right leg. You will likely find that it is very easy to push towards the target with the lower body when the right foot is turned in a bit.

Maintain Your Leverage For More Distance

If you want to add more distance to your drives with effortless power, maintain your leverage position throughout your swing. Leverage allows you to make efficient use of the power in your big muscles, which in turn allows your hands and arms to remain supple enough to control the clubface and produce consistent golf shots. Your leverage point is the ball of your right foot, and that is where you should load energy at the top of your golf swing.

Eric Jones is a Class "A" PGA Professional with a Masters Degree in Sport Psychology who is dedicated to helping golfers learn, play better golf, and have more fun. He is a World Long Drive Champion and author of the best-selling eBook on distance "The 5 Keys to Distance." Eric teaches golf at the Pleasanton Golf Center in Pleasanton, CA.

Eric's professional Long Drive accomplishments include winning the 2003 Re/Max World Long Drive Championship, Senior Division, 6 consecutive appearances in the World Championship Finals with 5 top-10 finishes, the 2004 LDA Long Drive Tour Senior Rookie of the Year, and winner of the 2006 Players Tour Championship, where he became the only long driver to win both the senior and the open division titles in the same event. Eric played college golf at Stanford University. He began his teaching career in the early 90's as the Stanford Men's JV/Assistant Coach and as lead golf instructor at the junior summer camps. He has also taught at the Golf Lab facilities in Palo Alto, and was Director of Golf Instruction at Poppy Ridge Golf Course in Livermore, CA. Prior to turning pro Eric spent more than 20 years in a variety of executive leadership positions in high tech software companies, biotech, apparel, banking, and running his own management consulting firm. Eric is the grandson of Charlie Seaver, a top amateur player during the Bobby Jones era.

In addition to his teaching, Eric is an accomplished speaker and mentor on maximizing the profitability of your golf business through the use of internet and social media marketing.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Choosing Golf Clubs - Choose the Right Golf Clubs For Yourself From the Wide Selection That Is

Golf is a very popular pastime among many. Well, popular enough that more and more golf clubs are becoming available in the market every year. It is something of an understatement that choosing new clubs can be a challenge. It is easy to be left in awe at the range of golf clubs that you can choose from (a complete golf set comprises 14 clubs including sand wedge and putter). But choosing the right clubs for you is important - not just with regard to costs, but also for the possibility of how much your game will improve with a particular club, and if so by how much. This article will discuss the factors to take into account when you are considering which new golf clubs should purchase.

Many find that the most important aspect to consider with any golf club is its shaft - that is, the metal rod that separates the grip from the head; how long is it, and how dense? These criteria vary from club to club - and playing with the wrong club is likely to prevent you from playing golf at your best (it may be simply a case of it being impossible to find a natural, comfortable posture as you line up a shot using a particular club). You may well be used to playing golf with clubs that have specific values, but that is no reason not to keep your options open.

It is unlikely that anyone would disagree that how you swing the club during a game of golf, is a key factor in how well you play the game. Of course, this is all the more reason to consider the size of your club's head. A smaller head may allow for greater control, but a larger one will definitely make you more able to hit the ball, for the larger surface area on the side. You may find that the type you choose will have an affect on your swing - people continue to affirm that different materials rather have different weights and feels. Test swinging clubs can help you to ascertain what you are really dealing with.

It is wise to consider the grip of any golf club. The grip on the club should be comfortable, so as to prevent the club from flying out of your hands or any similar mishap. If you are a person whose palms sweat a lot it would probably be worthwhile to make a choice of grip different from that of the person who does not have such sweaty palms. In short, consider your personal factors as they are important.

Probably the most obvious thing to consider is how much new clubs will cost you. If you are a beginner and you are not interested in playing golf on that much of a regular basis, stay clear of anything obscenely expensive; it is not that hard to find clubs that are cheap but still good quality; and it is not true that you need a complete set in order to play a "proper" game of golf. Of course, if you really are seriously investing in ways to improve your game and harbour a sincere ambition to play in tournaments, then you should probably be prepared to spend a larger amount. Start by asking yourself what you really want in conjunction with exactly where you intend to proceed. It's as simple as that.

Any reputable golf retail store should be able to provide helpful, coherent and worthwhile advice. I recommend experimenting with as many clubs as possible, especially if you are one to be playing the game truly seriously.

Discover how to choose golf club as well as tips in choosing the flex in a golf club when you visit

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

3 Golf Backswing Tips to Improve Your Game!

Are you struggling with your golf game? If so the problem could lie within your backswing. In this article I'm going to give you 3 golf backswing tips that I'm sure will dramatically improve your game.

Tip #1- Be sure you are rotating your shoulder enough?

When you start the backswing you first must make sure you are rotating your shoulders enough for the proper turn. A good way to ensure you are doing this is on the backswing touch your chin to your front shoulder. By doing this you will know you've made the proper rotation.

Tip # 2- Make sure your back leg is in the same position

After you've gotten the proper rotation on the backswing make sure your back leg is still in the same position. On the backswing there your leg should not move and there should be no flex in the knee. By doing this will allow you to be in the proper loading position.

Tips # 3- Keep your hands close to your belt buckle

One last golf backswing tip I would like to give you is to be sure to keep your hands close to your belt buckle through out the backswing. As you are taking the club back, imagine that the hands are attached to your belt with this rubber band and do not lift your hands until your shoulders have completely turned away from the target. By doing this will allow for you to make the proper rotation in the swing to help add control and power.

In Closing

If your struggling with your swing one of the most important parts is the backswing. The next time your at the range working on your game make sure to try the 3 golf backswing tips mentioned above and you will be amazed at the results.

For more golf backswing tips and other ways to improve your game CLICK HERE

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Custom Golf Clubs

As we get older we cannot do some of the things we did earlier in life, especially playing golf! For me it is the lack of flexibility in my lower back because of medical problems and major surgery last year - as you might guess my swing has changed, causing havoc to my game? For my partner, Jan, she was having problems with her irons, only using the irons for close in approach shots and chipping. What did we do - we got rid of our old clubs and got custom golf clubs.

Are you a baby boomer or senior golfer or a golfer of any age that likes to play golf but sometimes playing a round of golf is a lot of work! new clubs might help?

Have you lost some flexibility or strength because of injuries, stiffness or other medical problems or conditions? New clubs might help?

Are you a man over six feet four inches tall or a women golfer around five feet tall - you need custom golf clubs cut to the correct length for you?

The golf clubs being made today incorporate the new technologies which makes the clubs easier to play, bringing fun back to your game. The new 460cc Titanium drivers have a much larger "sweet spot" making it much more forgiving than the older drivers. Graphite shafts with 4 or 5 different flexes to choose from - giving you the flexibility needed. The hybrid clubs - a cross between the irons and fairway woods - much easier to hit coming out of the tall grass or rough. The new belly or long pendulum putter with their larger grips that also include the new technologies?

Tied to the new technologies your clubs should be custom golf clubs, that have been fitted to your: gender,age, height, weight, grip size and the abilities - how far do you now hit your 5 iron now? How far do you hit your driver now, etc.? This information is put into a computer program that tells us the correct fit for your clubs. These clubs are lighter, more flexible and will help you enjoy a round of golf and more than likely will help you lower your score.

After switching from our old clubs to custom golf clubs both Jan and My games have improved and the game is fun again and easier to play. Why not try custom golf clubs - I bet you will be surprised and hopefully your game will improve as ours has.

James Rash - living in Denver, CO - A 69 year old avid golfer, having played golf most of my adult life. I was having problems with my golf game because of lack of flexibility in my lower back, my solutions was to get a set of custom golf clubs fitted for me. Are you a golfer of any age that would like to play a better game of golf - score lower and have more fun playing the game - custom golf clubs might help -

Don't Buy Another Golf Bag Before You Read This

A golf bag is an essential accessory for those who are extensively involved in playing golf. The bag is such an accessory without which the game cannot be played with a calm mind and fit body posture.

Imagine yourself carrying all you golf clubs and balls in hand and moving around the golf club with that weird smile because you don't have a good quality golf bag. It is much better to have a good quality golf bag that safely holds all your essentials including golf clubs and balls.

If you have decided to buy a golf bag for yourself then these are some important aspects you must look for before you make a final decision.

There are various types of golf bags available in the market for you to buy. The most popular amongst all types of golf bags is the bag which caries the golf clubs. A golf club is the main piece of sport accessory any golfer carries with him.

A bag, which carries the golf club, can also accommodate other accessories such as balls, towels. Some golf bags have stands too so that you don't have to keep them on ground. Stan helps to keep the bag upright position for easy access to it's internal pockets.

Another type of bag, which is popular amongst golfers, is the one with a stand on wheels. As the name suggests this has a wheeled stand, which can be easily dragged along the lawn for easy maneuvering. This type of bag is called as a cart bag and is heavier than the first type.

Apart from these two types of bags the third type of bag is the largest in size that can accommodate al the accessories you may ever need while on the golf club. The caddie or the electric golf cart can be used to carry this type of bag typically named as a staff bag.

Apart from choosing the correct type of bag for your needs we will have a look at the price range of most popular type of golf bags so that you get a fair idea of which golf bag to buy.

For basic needs a carry bag is the best choice which comes in the price starting from $15 and can go up to $25. For the second type of golf bag, that stand bag prices start from $25 and can go up to $200. The third type of staff golf bags is available for a price range of $200 and above.

Before you finalize any type of golf bag make sure you observe what kind of playing activities or movement you will be involved in during your plating schedule. This will make it easier for you to make the correct choice of the golf bag and your buying experience will be a joyful one.

I strongly recommend reading real customer reviews from online marketplaces before you buy a golf bag Visit to read such reviews and compare rating for the best-selling bags today to save your money for the best golfing experience.

Copyright Samir Joshi

Friday, July 31, 2009

Putting Technique Begins With the Putter

At least 35% of the game of golf is with only one club, the putter. Hours are spent in driver and iron selection and little time is devoted to the putter selection. Why so little time in putter selection? It is the most important club in the bag. Many missed putts are blamed on the player's form - the truth is the putter probably compromised the stroke. Needless strokes are lost.

Most putters will fail one or both of the simple check tests. The first is the spin test. With the grip pointing down, hold the putter just below the head between the palms. Spin the club. The more waggle it has the more unbalanced it is. The second test is the push test. Place the end of the grip on the floor and hold the club with one hand just below the head. With a finger of the free hand, push where the "sweet spot" is marked. If the head moves there is no real "sweet spot." If the putter fails one or even both, how is the putt going to be accurate?

Having a balanced putter with a true sweet spot has a major impact on the quality of the putting stroke. Striking the ball on the putter's sweet spot ensures complete energy is transferred and on the desired line. The putter should be a foundation to build a sound putting game and not a variable. Concentration should lie on the speed, slope of the breaks, greens condition, and length. Confidence will be gained by having a reliable club at set-up.

Many putters at address will torque away from the ball. The stroke will be unnatural and will be hit off-line. A putter should be balanced to allow for a smooth stroke through the ball. Making one less in a few holes saves those strokes and improves the score. In the extreme case, making one less putt on each hole saves eighteen strokes. In most cases, a player having a balanced putter will see an eight percent decrease in score in the first round.

For more information about putter design visit ARC Golf Tech at

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Better Golf Swing Tips - Addressing the Ball

I love golf - there's no other way to put it! I love everything about it. But I wasn't very good at it, so I knew I needed to find a resource that would offer better golf swing tips than all the rest. Fortunately, I found The Golf Swing Book. It has been an excellent guide to the basics of hitting the ball straight and true. And it covers a lot of advanced tips too!

One of my challenges was addressing the ball. I was always too hesitant or too sloppy. As a result, the ball would go everywhere! What I learned is that I wasn't looking at my entire body when I was getting into address position. I always knew that feet placement was important, but totally forgot about the rest of my body.

And what about your feet! I learned from the book that if the width of my stance was not correct, I was off balance. Not that I was falling over, or anything! But it was affecting my golf.

A lot of golf pros tell you that when you're standing there getting ready to hit, you should have the feeling that you're sitting on a bar stool. However, The book explained that you should feel as though you're leaning back on a stool. Sitting will cause the club to swing too level to the ground, causing you to hit the ground right behind the ball.

And there's a lot more tips where this came from! Check out The Golf Swing Book and you'll find better golf swing tips!

Sometimes if it wasn't for golf, I would probably go crazy! I love the game and everything about it. But I was always trying to find better golf swing tips. To learn more, go check out The Golf Swing Book!

Click Here

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Tom Watson - "A Golfer For the Ages"

The British Open was the third major of the year that did not end the way I would have scripted it. The Masters had an improbable winner in Angel Cabrera when Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson were in the hunt and let it slip away on the last few holes and Kenny Perry, a 48 year old, had it all sowed up until the last two holes, which he bogied and opened the door for Angel to win in a playoff. In the the second major of the year, the U.S. Open winner could have easily been Phil Mickelson, who was playing his heart out for his ailing wife Amy but he could not hold on Sunday and lost out to Lucas Glover, and now Tom Watson, one of the greatest golfers who ever lived, loses to Stewart Cink in a playoff that didn't have to be.

Tom Watson had given the fans so many thrills all week and after the first round, even though tied for the lead, most of the golf authoritarians had already written him off and said he had virtually no chance for victory. Tom Watson had other ideas and I was rooting for him all the way. He kept coming back and even after four bogies in a row during one of the rounds, he bounced back with birdies and pars when he needed to and fought his way back into the lead. His play was reminiscent of the Tom Watson I so fondly remember when in his prime in the 70's, and where at this very venue in 1977 he faced down Jack Nicklaus, the greatest golfer who ever lived, for the final 36 holes and beat him by a shot.

After a valiant effort for all four rounds, the 18th hole of the final round turned out to be the defining hole of the tournament. Tom Watson was leading by two shots going into the 18th hole and a par would have clinched it for him. But again at the British Open the improbable happened, Stewart Cink birdied the hole and Tom bogied to force a playoff. Tom hit his eight iron approach shot to the green flush and got a bad break when it hit on the green and instead of checking up it rolled off the back and left him with an uphill shot back to the green. He opted for the putter, which had served him well all week, but he hit it a bit too hard to get thru the fringe and went past he cup by about 10 feet. The putt coming back was makeable but he hit it short and missed to the right. He may have lost the Claret Jug but he is a winner in my book.

I noted last paragraph that the improbable happened when Tom lost on the 18th hole. That statement is not true, because in reality he lost in a four hole playoff to Cink after tying on the 18th hole. Tom had been playing so well for the first 71 holes that when he didn't get the result he anticipated after hitting a very well struck 8 iron for his approach shot to the 18th green, it appeared to knock the wind out of his sails. He seemed to have lost on 18 rather than in the playoff and it appeared that he may have finally had enough. In retrospect, the improbable is the fact that a 59 year old is competing on a level never before seen in a major, against the best players in the world, for four pressure packed days, on a very tough golf course under extreme conditions. It would have been an awesome feat for Tom Watson to have been victorious and to clinch his 6th British Open title but he will always be a champion in my book. He came very close to victory and for those naysayers who thought he did not have a chance, I hope they now realize that if you have the heart and belief in yourself, as Mr. Watson did, then all things are possible. After Tom Watson's performance in this years British Open I would not be surprised if next year Jack, Arnie, Gary and Tom are going head to head like old times. In closing I would like Tom to know he will always be remembered as " A Helluva Golfer" not only by his peers but by all of us. Thank you Tom for making believers out of us !

Congratulations to Stewart Cink for his victory and some extraordinary play against the field and one of the worlds best golfers and gentleman, Tom Watson. Happy Golfing to All!

My name is Mike D'Auria and I grew up in the Canarsie section of Brooklyn. I started playing golf when I sustained a severe hamstring injury playing softball about 30 years ago, and have never looked back. It is a great game and I enjoy it immensely.

For more golf tips and valuable information visit

Monday, July 27, 2009

Why Golfers Need Rangefinders

The recent Bushnell Golf Rangefinder commercial with the slow motion shot of Sergio Garcia hitting a tee shot over water while a Bushnell Rangefinder reticle is targeting the flag, sand trap, and the wooden water embankment in front of the hole is great. It's a great commercial because it's about time Bushnell started getting high profile golfers to promote golf equipment that actually help golfers lower their scores. While Titleist, TaylorMade, and the other golf club manufacturers focus on promoting the latest drivers, putters, and gimmicky clubs; rarely does a new club or new putter actually help an average golfer lower his or her score like a rangefinder can. This article lists 3 great reasons why the average golfer (handi-cap of 8 or higher) should always have a good rangefinder in the bag.

Good rangefinders are relatively inexpensive. I say relatively inexpensive because $200 to $400 may seem like a lot of money to spend on another golf gadget. Consider this: most golfers change drivers every three years, and buy new sets of irons every seven years. A $299 Bushnell Pinseeker Rangefinder should hold up for ten years. And for ten years, you get the benefit of accurate distance measurements to flags and other objects on golf courses that will help you play golf holes more intelligently. New drivers can run you anywhere from $200 to $500, while a new set of irons cost anywhere from $400 to $1500. If you do the math, these costs add up and make rangefinders a relatively inexpensive investment over the course of a ten year span. And remember that without a good golf swing, golfing intuition, and hand-eye coordination, those expensive hi-tech clubs won't help you any more than a Nke starter set that goes for $199.

Golf Rangefinders can absolutely lower your score. Average golfers don't have caddies. USGA rules also do not allow Rangefinders and other electronic measurement devices to be utilized during official tournament play. Sergio's caddy, however, is allowed to walk the course each morning and pace off distances from the tees to anywhere he wants to and then write them all down. Caddies even use rangefinders to record these distances to save time while they are preparing for an event. By the time a PGA tour event starts, every golfer's caddy has all distance measurements needed so that both he and the golfer are extremely prepared. In reality, Sergio Garcia wouldn't even need a rangefinder if they were allowed. The rest of the golfing world (us) barely has time to squeeze in a round or two each week, and if we do-the only preparation we may have time for is studying the scorecard that includes tee yardages and distance measurements to holes, hazards, and dog legs. When we begin play, we rely on yardage markers. When you're in between markers, however, a rangefinder will give you the exact yardage measurement so that you are not guessing between an 8 iron and 9 iron. It is these precise moments in a golf round where golf rangefinders can make the difference between coming up short and blasting it over the green. These are also the moments that that pars become bogeys, bogeys become double bogeys, etc.

Golf Rangefinders ARE allowed. USGA Rule 14-3 stipulates that under local rules, scores can be posted for rounds played while using a device that measures only distance; but NOT wind speed or ground slope. Take advantage of the rules. Golfing is both beautiful and unique in that imposes character on players by forcing them to be honest by adding penalty strokes and to not improve bad lies, etc. In this case, USGA rules recognize the difficulty that average golfers may have in measuring distances by allowing such instruments to assist them during a round. If the USGA says you are allowed to use golf rangefinders, you should use them. Putting it another way, if your ball ends up in casual water, would you NOT move it to drier ground? Of course not, because everyone knows that USGA rules allow you a free drop to dry ground provided your ball is no closer to hole. Knowing the rules and using them to your advantage is an integral part of golf.

Finally, good golf rangefinders really do work. They accurately range flags, trees, and other targets from up to 1,000 yards away; and to within +/- 1 yard of your targeted objects. They are also easy to use and are small enough to be kept in your pocket. I recommend trying the Bushnell Golf Medalist or the Bushnell Tour V2. Leupold's Gx-1 and Gx-2 models have also received very good reviews by golfers. For a step up in price and performance, the Bushnell 1500 Pinseeker with up and down slope measurement is a great instrument. And if you and your friends can live with the USGA rule infraction, I recommend it; especially for courses being played for the first time.

Vincent Saponar lives in North Western New Jersey, and has been an avid golfer for many years. He also has considerable knowledge and expertise around not only rangefinders, but other sports optics instruments as well, i.e., night vision devices and binnoculars. For more helpful information on golf rangefinders and other sports optics instruments, I recommend visiting

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Help For My Golf Game

Isn't golf so frustrating, one day you play good the next you're really awful, it's no wander a lot of people think I need help for my golf game. Some people have natural talent for the game, but if you're like I was I had to look for help for my golf game.

I know exactly how irritating the game can be. You go out and pay lots of money before you even get on the course and then after the eighteenth you think what a waste of money, as you don't seem to be getting any better. The problem is with golf is that there is too much to learn but with experience and the right guidance you should notice gradual improvement.

Now I'm not sure what level you are at in this difficult sport but I find that one of the biggest mistakes that beginners make is that they try to hit the ball as hard as they can. Perhaps you may relate to this and know that that doesn't work. It's more about timing, stance, and grip among many other things.

Many players lose shots because they want to hit the ball as far as possible and result in wayward shots instead of taking the short and straight approach. Practice your short game as this is where most shots are lost, practice your chipping and putting then at a later date when you have improved in that area start to concentrate on the rest of your game.

Go to the driving range as often as possible and hit bucketfuls of balls. Get to know how far you can comfortably hit each club. How far can you hit your 3 iron, 200 yards or maybe 220 yards knowing the answer can be most valuable. It could result in a ball on the green instead of a ball in the bunker or in a water hazard.

By participating in what is probably the most difficult of all sports to play, investing in a good program rather than replacing those expensive clubs would be a move in the right direction.

Help for my golf game is what I needed. If you're thinking the same why not take the route that I did. After the first week I took five shots off my scores and my game is now more consistent. Why not take a look.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Used Callaway Golf Clubs - A Perfect Golf Gift For Family and Friends

Callaway golf clubs have been one of the golf clubs that paved the way for the innovation of the golf clubs. The innovation and creativity that Callaway golf clubs are known for made them one of the top brands that are linked to golf. Callaway Golf is an established name in golf and is associated with the sport. Many golf player beginners and pros alike have wanted to own a Callaway golf club or golf equipment due to its durability.

Callaway Golf clubs can be expensive due to the materials used for these golf clubs and the brand's reputation of giving its customers the very best products they can offer which delivers on both the performance and appearance aspects.

Every golf player wants to own a Callaway golf club but because of the expensive price tag which would set the player a few dollars back, will definitely think twice before buying a Callaway golf club.

Although Callaway golf clubs are expensive, there are several ways to get hold of one which do not require a hefty amount of sum to get one. There are a lot of used Callaway golf clubs out there where you can get one at reasonable prices. You just have to know where to look for one.

Used Callaway golf clubs can be purchased at shops in your locality but the problem is that you will be spending lots of time and money to do this. This is because you will need to use your car to roam around your area, hopping from shop to shop to search for the golf club that you are looking for. Sometimes the golf clubs you are looking for are not available or are not on their stock list. When this happens, you are wasting time and money because of the gas for your car.

The other way to look for used Callaway golf clubs is by searching online with the use of the internet, you can search for these golf clubs without leaving your home. Aside from that, the advantage in using the internet for searches is that you are maximizing the time in searching for the golf club's availability from site to site which will then let you save lots of time in doing this.

There are several sites on the internet that offers used Callaway golf clubs. These sites offer pre owned Callaway golf clubs that are still in good condition. The prices range from the golf club's condition. The higher the price, the higher the condition is. There are also sites that allow you to turn over your old Callaway golf clubs in exchange for new Callaway golf clubs with a small reasonable fee.

So if you are looking for Callaway golf clubs for yourself or as a golf gift, then this is one offer you shouldn't miss.

by David L Stargel

About the Author

Find out where to find used Callaway golf clubs at bargain prices.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

How You Can Lower Your Golf Handicap - Focus on Golf Swing Tempo

Most amateur golfers generally swing too fast. This is all very well if you are continuously striking the ball correctly every time. If you are not, you will see horrendous results and many lost golf balls. The secret when focusing on the golf swing is tempo NOT speed and by getting this aspect of your game right you can definitely lower your golf handicap.

In trying to emulate the world's great players it is easy to forget that that it is swing tempo and not swing speed that matters. But, what is the difference between golf swing speed and golf swing tempo. Swing speed is just the speed that the club head passes through the ball, regardless of how fast it is during the different parts of the swing. For example, a golfer might have a very slow back swing but a much faster through swing. This can lead to a very disjointed swing. On the other hand, swing tempo means that the swing is fluid and not disjointed. Here, fluidity is the key where all parts of the swing appear to be in perfect harmony

Often a golfer's swing can appear extremely fast just because he doesn't have the correct swing tempo. He might usually have a very deliberate take away and back swing, attempting to place the club head in the correct position. He might even have a deliberate pause at the top of the back swing followed by a rush down towards the ball attempting to gain the momentum that was lost during the back swing phase. Nest time you are on the course watch out for golfers like this as there are plenty of them around.

Tour players are most likely to swing faster than club golfers but what separates them from the rest is that their swing tempo is always fluid without any element of being disjointed. They also swing to an exact tempo ratio. The tempo ratio is the glue that binds together all of the disparate parts of the swing - swing plane, take away, follow through etc. All of these fundamental but separate parts of the swing must be learnt if you are to lower your golf handicap. It can be a long process but when all are combined the result is the perfect swing at the perfect tempo...simple? Essentially, it IS simple, but like all goals there is effort required to reach it and you must be prepared to put in the work and effort if you are to be successful.

About the Author

Stuart Young is a keen club golfer who has successfully achieved a single figure golf handicap, although he readily admits to spending too much time on the golf course.

Similar advice on how to lower your golf handicap and other great tips can be found at

Selecting the Ideal Golf Driver for Beginners

Selecting one golf driver out of the hundreds of good golf drivers out there takes a certain kind of experience. There are many factors and elements that go into the selection process. The most basic of these are the static weight and shaft material.

Depending on the skill level of the player, certain makes of clubs may work better. A beginner would best opt for golf clubs that are heavier, and can lend more control to the club. Heavier clubs will be harder to lift, but a novice golfer with a slower swing will still get the power he or she may need.

More advanced players will go the opposite route. Lighter clubs with lightweight carbon shafts are best for more advanced players as light clubs tend to hit the ball faster and create more distance, but are harder to control. The static weight is not to be confused with the dynamic or swing-weight, which more experienced golfers also take into consideration.

The flexibility of the golf club's shaft also makes for different variants of golf driver for different people. Stiff shafts do not bend as much, and thus make for less forgiving clubs. This kind of club will not adjust to an incorrect impact on the ball. Conversely, a more flexible material used in a club's shaft makes for a larger margin of error, which is better for novices. The same selection will also do well for anyone who is not in his or her ideal physical shape.

Different groups claim that they have made the ultimate driver, perfect for any person regardless of fitness or skill. The best golf club, however, is still no substitute for focus and practice.

About NGC Golf: NGC Golf is a Connecticut-based company that specializes in scientific and innovative solutions for every golfer's needs. From the best golf driver selection to original ideas for golf bags and training gear, the company and its hard working specialists are hard at work in refining and perfecting its products. For more information, golfers may visit the website at or call 1-800-285-3900.

About the Author

Jeff Paul is a writer and copy editor who likes to share information on many different topics.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Choosing Golf Equipment

Buying golf equipment can be like dumping money into a
money pit, but armed with some knowledge you can save
time and money in selecting the right clubs for
yourself. As with most things in life, you can spend a
lot or you can spend a little several times before you
get what you really need.

If you are first starting out and not completely sure
you want to commit to this addictive game, you should
either rent clubs at the golf course, or buy a starter
set of clubs.

Buying a set of started clubs enables you to become
accustomed to them; enabling you to concentrate on
your swing instead of wondering how this set of
miss-matched clubs you just rented are going to work

As you become better at the game, you should invest in
a better set of clubs, fitted to you.

Generally, a set includes a driver, one or two fairway
woods, 4-9 irons, a wedge or two and perhaps a putter.

As you become more experienced and start thinking
about new clubs, you may want to consider buying your
driver separately. Some players want a driver to give
them more accuracy; some need the distance.

There are numerous balls available and the box will
usually have a chart on the back and direct you to the
right ball for your needs. As you learn the game and
get better at it, you should experiment with different
balls which could improve your accuracy or distance.

Having the right equipment is an important aspect of
the game; buy wisely!

Golf Etiquette

Golf is a dignified game of rules and manners, and it’s important to know the basics before you play for the first time.

Whether you are playing alone, in a twosome or a foursome, you must wait your turn. You must keep aware of the group on the next hole and wait until they are well ahead of you before hitting your ball.

It’s never cool to "push" the group in front of you.If you are playing with others, wait for your turn to hit the ball; never hit at the same time as another player.

While you wait for your turn, go to your ball and determine what club you’ll need and how you are going to hit it. This is called "ready golf" and keeps the game moving. Don’t rush, just be ready.

If your team is holding up the players behind you, let them play through. You would simply wave them through,or if they are close enough, ask them if they’d like
to play through. You will never make an enemy in doing this!

When someone is making a shot, you should be behind them and you shouldn’t make a sound! It is so distracting to be ready to tee off and just as you pull back, someone decides to jingle in coins in their pocket or noisily unwrap a piece of candy.

Replace your divots. When, in the fairway, you hit the ball and a clod of dirt and grass goes flying, replace it. On some courses you just put the clod back and step on it to press it on; on most courses, there is a sand/seed mixture on your card to put into the divot.If your ball makes a deep impression when it lands on the green, use your divot tool to repair it.

As soon as you have completed a hole, replace the flag and leave the green so that the next players can play.Count your score and write it on the scorecard when
you’re back at your cart.

Of course, there are many more rules of golf, but these simple ones will enable you to get through the course without coming to blows with anyone. We must
all keep the game dignified, right?

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